Sunday, November 12, 2006

Busy weekend - spicy soup

This was a big eating weekend for me, but not so much cooking. Between dinner with friends, a baby shower AND a hen's night, I wasn't really home much.
That said, Ryan made an excellent not-so-spicy soup tonight. Coconut and lentil spicy soup, with garlic bread, because we both like it and hadn't made if from scratch lately.
As I write this, Ryan is making a batch of muffins for work this week. We both prefer spending our play money on "dinners out" rather than "snacks at desk".
I did get around to grocery shopping today, while ryan went to the vegie markets. The menu for this week is:
- Chicken & Broccoli stir fry
- Home made pizza
- Chickpea & Roast Sweet Potato salad
- Chilli con carne (finally try out the slow cooker!)
- Beef in red wine - and old favourite that we may be brave enough to try in the slow cooker.
- Oops! the mint pesto pasta that we didn't get around to making last week. But only if the mint is still looking ok...

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